The Relict Media Blog

For all the latest news and industry insights within the publishing industry.
Ad Monetization Careers
Do you want to start your career in the ad monetization industry? Here’s an overview for you.  Ever thought of a career in the ad monetization space?
Does AdSense Make Sense
Sometimes AdSense doesn’t make any sense  From automation to ease, AdSense is a go-to option for most publishers. However, there are times when using AdSense doesn’t make
Leaderboard ads
Leaderboard ads can affect your UX and should not be the only ad type that is part of your app concept Did you know that your leaderboard
The 4 Ways MCM Migration Affects Publishers
The 4 Ways that Multiple Customer Management (MCM) Affects Publishers MCM, also known as Multiple Customer Management, affects publishers in various ways, from reporting to delegation. Here
5 ways the metaverse transforms in-game advertising
What does the metaverse have in-store for in-game advertising?   If you work in app development, you might have noticed a brand-new concept sweeping across (and into)
Google AdX Rules Optimization
Google AdX Rules Optimization: What is it, and why should I learn more? Google Ad Exchange (or Google AdX for short) is one of the most popular