How to increase AdSense RPM
Are you curious about how you can increase your AdSense RPM?
How to increase your AdSense RPM – this is a question every AdSense user asks at some point. We all want to increase our RPM and revenue; that’s just a given. Increased revenue is how you grow your business, get more opportunities, and increase your brand impression.
And, what’s one of the best ways to improve your AdSense revenue? Increase your AdSense RPM.
Here’s what you need to know about AdSense RPM and how to make the most of Google AdSense.
AdSense RPM Defined
Define AdSense RPM
Page RPM refers to your revenue per thousand impressions.
RPM estimated earnings refers to how much you can expect to earn per 1k impressions or by the number of page views. Of course, pageviews are distinct from impressions, so you will not necessarily get paid per view, but calculating your RPM will let you estimate your earnings per 1,000 views.
You can calculate your RPM by dividing your earnings from the number of views you’ve received and multiplying that total by 1,000.
So if you’ve earned $25 in 750 views (good for you), you’ll get your page RPM estimated earnings by dividing your estimated earnings ($25) by your views (750, 25/750 = .03) and then multiplying by 1k, for a page RPM of $33.
How to Increase AdSense RPM
Increasing your AdSense RPM
Now that you know what your AdSense page RPM is, it’s easy to see why you’d want to increase your page RPM as much as you can.
Here are a few tips to help you increase ad impressions and improve page RPM over time.
Choose The Right Ad Sizes
Choosing the right ad size is essential for viewability, usability, and user experience. More prominent ads tend to have a higher click-through rate and are legible in various formats.
Optimize User Experience
It can be tempting to add lots of ads to your page to try and increase page impressions and increase your earnings per 1,000 page views.
Your RPM will go down if your page is too cluttered since users will be less engaged. Even the wrong color choice can lower your RPM.
Improving loading speed and ensuring you have high-quality content will also help strengthen your RPM.
Attract The Right Audience
Make sure you’re getting the right ads and the right audience for those ads simultaneously.
AdSense is usually pretty good at matching websites with suitable ad units, but this will be more difficult if your site doesn’t attract your intended target audience.
Stay focused and make sure you’re using the right keywords to up your RPM to get the right audience to increase the eyeballs on your AdSense ads.
Minimize Broken Links
Broken links immediately say that a website or app isn’t well maintained. So make it a habit to check your links and make sure your links are active as much as possible.
Use Ad Refresh
Ad refresh is an excellent way to make sure you take advantage of all the available ad units and maximize your number of ads and page RPM.
Ad Refresh puts your ad space back up to bid anytime AdSense fails to load a planned ad. That way, you’re never missing out on possible page revenue.
What Is a Good RPM in AdSense
Good RPM?
An average website in AdSense can expect an RPM of $5-$10.
That doesn’t tell you your actual revenue until you calculate your page views on average, but that’s a solid RPM to have even if your views aren’t very high yet.
Websites new to AdSense tend to earn closer to $2-$3 RPM. Thriving and high-earning websites can reach an RPM of up to $50 or even more.
How to Increase AdSense Earnings
Usually, it takes a few different strategies to make a noticeable difference in your AdSense earnings. However, we recommend starting with user experience and website optimization.
The easier it is for users to enjoy your site, the more likely they are to interact with your ads and earn more money per view. You should also make sure your ads match your website type and update your page description any time you change directions.
Using a service like Ad Refresh is another excellent way to ensure your website is earning as much as possible. Ad Refresh makes sure your site displays ads whenever possible by filling any open ad space.
How to Fix Low AdSense RPM
Having a low AdSense RPM is common when you first get started, but it should go up as your website attracts more visitors. It’s also possible that you aren’t getting a lot of organic traffic or having a high bounce rate or a low click rate on your website.
Take a look at the time a user spends on each page. The higher that number, the more likely they are to click an ad or interact with one so that you get an impression.
Fixing AdSense RPM
You may also need to think about your audience. Some websites won’t attract an audience willing to interact with ads or pay for your content. Some of that’s
about user interface and user-friendliness, but it’s also about whether you are attracting a marketable audience.
Final thoughts
Final Thoughts
Once you get the hang of it, improving your RPM is not that difficult. It does take some experience and page testing to get right, though.
Of course, AdSense is just one offering of many, and you may choose not to go with it at all. It’s wise to consider your alternatives to AdSense as another way to improve RPM. Google AdX is one of the best offerings if your ultimate goal is to increase your overall ad revenues.
Want to know more about how to increase AdSense RPM? Please speak to one of our experts today.